The Death Q, My Guide to an 811 Mile Mojave Desert Hike, is Published!

It’s here!! After a couple years of writing, The Death Q is finally up and available on Amazon. The book is about a hike I created that circles Death Valley following abandoned railroads. The book is a mix of history, guide, detective work, how to, character biographies, fiction and memoir. Admittedly it as a labor of love about an obscure topic. But, hopefully, both the hiker and non-hiker will find it entertaining. Regardless, it is something I set out to do and did. And sometimes that alone is plenty.

Feel free to share the word if you know anyone that might have an interest in such endeavors. Here’s the link to the page on Amazon where you can buy the Paperback or a Kindle version. Share. Post. Click. Repeat. Oh, and get some good boots if you are going to try the hike.


