(Ireland, July 26, 2018) All hiking and no play sometimes makes for a dull adventurer!
…Steve took a break to reconnect with his family and enjoy a trip to Ireland.
Here are his photos for your viewing pleasure!

Other ships’ messages to Titanic and her responses. Right before she hit an iceberg and sank. (photo by Steven Halteman)

The current position of the Irish Republican Army Northern Ireland. Had a great chat with a guy that had served 15 years in an English prison for being a member of the IRA. (photo by Steven Halteman)

Body found in a bog. Which is basically a semi swamp. The body is over 1000 years old. The individual had been decapitated and mutilated and was a giant for his time being over 6‘3“. He had had his nipples got off. Which prevented him from becoming a king. Apparently, at that time the way to show submission to a king was to suck on his nipples. Note the amulet still on his upper arm. (photo by Steven Halteman)

Slice of rock that records the arrival of oxygen on earth. Apparently the sudden saturation of oxygen left behind iron oxide which is the red band you can see. Prior to that in the lower sections of rock, there was no oxygen. In other words, you’re looking at a photograph that documents the arrival of life on Planet Earth. (photo by Steven Halteman)